.i break the quarantine to be here (pow tagline abe hair).

finally that day has arrived.
15 ogos..

uUu yeay! first ever mtv worldstage live in malaysia.
featuring malaya local band estranged, 1buck short, US emo band boys like girl, UK indie rock Raygun, the only girl n solo singer that day pixie lott, the all american rejects (sifu boys like girls) n brits top band lead by tom meighan (mulut lencung ala2 liam gallagher) kasabian.

locate d sunway lagoon surf beach (tpi air da dikeringkan). pegi sane wif my bro, jukie n we jukie.
smpi2 da dkt kol 5.kne jln la plk 2.park kete jauh sgt. da la dsmbut nga hujan rintik2.xpe...kasabian pnye psl. ttp pki mask mke.risau gk pat rmi2 ni.slsema babi pnye hal!

bleh thn gop jln smpi lenjun2(sweat plus wet) sbb hujan.ha3.
smpi2 trus je ke redeem place.sitoo smpt gk jmpe aink mono, amar, delo n Gp.cik bunge kertas pom ad gk.tpi ta nmpk.die kate die nengok ak.rmi gk dak2 kb tpi
mls nk tegoo jek.

then..p solat asar n lepak2 jap.msuk awl2 pom xkn nk tdah telinge nga estranged?? xkuase i!
msuk kt dlm kne jln lagik da a security xbg bwk msuk soft drink(standard kt mne2 gig pom camtu) ciam kt abe hair tpakse mnum coke citoo.ha3.

msuk2 jek boys like girl perfom.kami dk rilek2 jek.nk lyn xtw lagoo (xkene jiwa) ha3.
then pas mgrib raygun kua.uh..best dow music doram.cam nu wave pom ade.nga lago Juz because.smpt gk loncat2.pas doram, hoobastank.cme tw crawlin in the dark jek.pena a lyn tyme2 dlu.ha3.lgu2 laen ancur.

finish hoobastank kua lak pixie lott.aih..sopan lak cre die dress.Opps..lpe.mesia maa.slalo nengok lam mtv jz pki hot pant jek.ho3.pas abes pixie lott perfom..gegey gegok la crowded2 pat bwh.
yela..da all american rejects turn lak.best gk..lyn jek.ad la lgu2 doram yg ak igt. byk gk doram perfom.kaki da lenguh kasabian xmncul2 g.aduyai.

pas sume soundcheck dbuat sndrik oleh engineer2 musik doram..tetibe lampu2 limpah pusem2.
so..mncul a tom meighan nga rmbut pendek, bju tight in n spek mate.huh.semap lak.
ha3..starting dgn lgu vlad the impaler dr album bru doram the west rider pauper lunatic asylum..bingit abes nga crowded.

nga sergei yg power meng'lead' guitar doram trus maemkn lgu underdog, empire, shoot the runner, pusem blik nga lgu bru doram where did all the love go plus Fire. dan mereka akhiri nga lgu lost soul forever.

abes jek lgu tuh kteoram trus blik nga bju n mask muke separuh basah.kasabian pnye psl.
ha3.xpe..puas ati.

*nk lyn gmbr2 mse worldstage lehla p kt my facebook@flickr.

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